The records in this collection were obtained as a result of the West Virginia Attorney General’s Office (“AGO”) multi-year investigation into the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (“DEA”) process of setting aggregate production quotas (APQs) for controlled substances. The West Virginia Attorney General alleged that the DEA’s quota setting process was flawed and resulted in an overproduction of opioids which contributed to the drug crisis in West Virginia and elsewhere. The AGO submitted multiple FOIA requests to the DEA and received several batches of responsive documents. The documents were then downloaded from the AGO website.
The 418 documents in this collection detail the DEA’s drug quota setting process, as well as its level of awareness of the overprescribing of opioids and drug diversion from 2010-2016. The documents also show drug companies and the Federal Drug Administration’s (“FDA”) involvement and influence in the setting or adjustment of drug quotas.
The AGO’s office created a report based on the information in the documents, which is also included in the collection.
Opioid Industry Documents Archive team members have not performed or commissioned any redactions on these documents.