Monday, February 01, 2016

Article Spotlight: Tobacco is "our industry and we must support it"; Zimbabwe and the FCTC

Every month, we highlight a newly published article/post/report along with a few key industry documents used in the paper as a primary source:

Lown EA, McDaniel PA, Malone RE. Tobacco is "our industry and we must support it": Exploring the potential implications of Zimbabwe's accession to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Globalization and Health. 2016 Jan 11;12(1):2-015-0139-3

Zimbabwe is currently the largest tobacco producer in Africa and has a long history of tobacco growing. Zimbabwean government officials have been outspoken critics of the WHO's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Despite this opposition, Zimbabwe recently acceded to the FCTC to better protect their tobacco growing interests. FCTC membership obligates nations to implement a variety of tobacco control measures and Zimbabwe has implemented several aimed at reducing tobacco demand but fewer aimed at reducing supply or protecting the environment.

The authors argue Zimbabwe’s decision to accede to the FCTC does not appear to represent a softening of its historical opposition to the treaty. Its status as a Party, therefore, creates opportunities for the government to undermine ongoing efforts to implement and strengthen the treaty. At the same time, however, Zimbabwe’s accession could provide worldwide support for its Ministry of Health to develop stronger tobacco control measures. How Zimbabwe’s participation impacts the work of the FCTC as a whole may ultimately depend on the allegiances of its delegates and the effectiveness of measures to limit tobacco industry interference and enforce compliance.

Key Documents from the UCSF Truth Tobacco Industry Documents:

  • (n.d.) Briefing from Zimbabwe Tobacco Association and the International Tobacco Growers' Association.
    The Zimbabwe Tobacco Association (ZTA) and the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA), are influential in Zimbabwe. The ZTA was founded in 1928 (originally as the Rhodesian Tobacco Association) to “promote and support research and training to ensure the continued development and expansion of the flue-cured tobacco growing industry.”

  • TSF; Zimbabwe Tobacco (1998) In Support of Tobacco Indigenisation Training Programmes Million Zim Dollars Donation from Philip Morris.
    The ZTA's offshoot, the Farmers Development Trust, was the recipient of several US$100,000 grants from Phillip Morris.

  • INFOTAB;Bloxcidge, John A. (1988) International Tobacco Growers' Association (ITGA).
    The ZTA and representatives of five other tobacco-growing nations founded the ITGA with funding from transnational tobacco companies.

  • BAT Zimbabwe; Parirewa, Peter (1994). Mughabe on Anti-Smoking Lobby.
    Vera, Ivan (2000) Zimbabwe Tobacco Industry Faces New Threat from WHO.
    Zimbabwe government officials and growers’ organizations have been outspoken supporters of tobacco growing and critics of the FCTC, often minimizing the risk of tobacco use.