Date Range: 2001-2015
This collection contains documents related to British American Tobacco (BAT) operations in Africa.
The records document evidence of payments made by BAT to African government officials (including officials working on tobacco control laws), legislators and civil servants, and payments intended to damage competitors.
Documents include internal correspondence, reports, project plans, proposals and presentations prepared for African governments, and memos relating to BAT’s Anti Illicit Trade Unit. The records relate to BAT’s anti-illicit trade investigations and operations in Africa and the Middle East, particularly focused on the East African Community (EAC) including Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, and Rwanda, and on South Africa.
Topics also include work with and payments to service providers; invoices; discussion of counterfeited products; smuggling; Track and Trace; Digital Tax Verification (DTV) and security products produced by SICPA, FractureCode (Codentify), and ATOS. Other documents are copies of FCTC proceedings; service provider agreements; affidavits and witness statements; MOUs between BAT and government agencies outlining agreements to address smuggling and contraband.